379th Avionics Maintenance Squadron Insignia
Avionics is the science and technology of electronics applied to aviation.
The 379th Avionics Maintenance Squadron performs maintenance on avionics systems
installed on both B-52G and KC-135A aircraft
The squadron consists of three branches: the offensive/defensive avionics
branch, the conventional avionics branch, and the precision measurement
equipment laboratory branch.
The offensive/defensive avionics branch consists of the bomb/nav shop, which
maintains the bombing navigations system and components, the defensive fire
control shop, which maintains the turrets, guns, computers, receiver-transmitter
sets and other components of the defensive fire control system, and the
electronic warfare shop, which maintains the equipment which masks the B-52's
penetration into enemy airspace.
The conventional avionics branch consists of the guidance and control shop
and the communications/navigation shop.
The squadrons PMEL does maintenance, calibration, and certification of test
equipment. This PMEL serves all government agencies in Michigan's lower
The excellence of the 379th AMS was instrumental in its being selected as the
"Best in 40th Air Division" in 1979, 1982, 1983, and again in 1984.
Consistently outstanding maintenance contributed directly to the wing's
ability to win the Dougherty Trophy in 19799 and 1983, the Saunders Trophy in
1981, the Sweeney Trophy in 1983 and the Crumm Trophy in 1984, SAC's Busy Leader
Competition in 1985, and SAC's Bomb Comp in 1987.