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Comment: (Posted: 1/21/2025 3:48:05 PM) I was stationed at Wurtsmith AFB from 1 January 1974 until 20 May 1975. I was a Security Police, Military Working Dog Handler. We only worked during the hours of darkness and outside with little shelter. When the temperature dropped below 5-degrees they would pick up are dogs and give us a CAR 15. When I got out, I moved as far west as I could, I now live two miles from Mexico and two miles from the beach...
Comment: (Posted: 5/23/2024 6:20:51 PM)First time back on the site in a while. Retired in 2015 after 8 assignments (Wurtsmith, Fairchild IMF, AETC Schoolhouse at Vandenberg, Minot IMF, Langley/HQ ACC, Minot IMF, Randolph/HQ AETC, and, AETC Schoolhouse at Vandenberg).. Got to tour the Wurtsmith IMF a couple years ago and given a tour by Kaletta folks working in the building. I actually gave more info to my guide than he gave to me :)).. i always try to make it to see IMFs when I was at or near bases., getting to see Dyess and Ellsworth IMFs while I was on ACC LSET, taking pictures of the Eaker IMF until a local cop started following me, saw the Carswell IMF (like the Wurtsmith IMF it had windows installed, strange). Didn't make it to see the KI Sawyer IMF while my middle daughter was going to Northern Michigan U in Marquette. When the schoolhouse moved from Chanute to Vandenberg it was asked if an IMF could be built because the company that built all single wing IMFs was still in business. Was told nope IMF is $5 million and projected building is $4 million so saving a million. 2 contractors (first contractor escorted off base by Security Forces), 98% of the welds redone in the ceiling, 30 yr roof replaced a couple years after installed, etc. cost of building was over $20 million within 3-4 years of construction start (insert eye roll emoji)
Comment: (Posted: 2/27/2024 5:52:26 PM)My first base, loved wurtsmith, great people to work with. And great town of Oscoda.
Comment: (Posted: 1/24/2024 9:39:07 AM)I can't believe after all these years I just found this site. We spent two tours at WAFB and they were our best assignments. I remember quite a few who have signed this guestbook. So many fond memories. I think my time in OMS was the best. Chief Van (RIP), SMsgt Montel, SMsgt Robinson (RIP), SMsgt Guckenberger and many many more. Not enough space to name you all. In the past years, we have visited the base several times. The Wurtsmith Air Museum is well worth the visit and they have a gift shop. The website is: The magic of Wurtsmith was always the people. You were the best!!! Dick
Comment: (Posted: 1/17/2024 5:36:02 AM)Hi everyone! I'm just updating my email and phone number. 440-361-1146
Comment: (Posted: 12/24/2023 6:10:02 AM)Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all that were stationed at Wurtsmith.
Comment: (Posted: 12/6/2023 9:02:46 PM)Dropping by to say hello to all. My wife Diane was born and raised in Oscoda, MI. Her parents are MSgt. Max Groat and Joanne Groat. Max was stationed there at Wurtsmith and later retired. Still plowing the runways as a civilian after retirement acording to Diane. Diane and I are planning a trip back to Oscoda in October 2024. I'm looking forward to seeing where Diane grew up. Respectfully, Jim Thomas
Comment: (Posted: 10/12/2023 12:53:07 PM)Looking for former crewdogs (other than Rob "Wanna" Mann who lives right here in FL.
Comment: (Posted: 9/2/2023 1:24:39 AM)I'm an Air Force vet and native Michigander - I'm feel proud to see the heritage of Wurtsmith AFB being keep alive in your fine webiste. Well done to all!
Comment: (Posted: 6/13/2023 12:49:45 PM)Would love to hear from anyone who remembered me Working at pass&id Security Clearance.
Comment: (Posted: 5/19/2023 3:44:18 PM)Enjoyed Wurtsmith, married my lovely wife there. Went back thru there a few years ago, looks nothing like I remember. Retired from airforce sept 97. Worked at menards for 19 years. Sold house and bought camper, been enjoying site seeing the US since Jan 2017
Comment: (Posted: 5/3/2023 3:20:15 PM)Great place was in thee bomb shop
Comment: (Posted: 3/19/2023 8:08:33 AM) I was a crew chief on a f106 delta dart in the 94th fighter sq.
Comment: (Posted: 3/18/2023 9:14:28 PM)Was C Flight Shift Commander. Great bunch of folks and one of my most enjoyable assignments
Comment: (Posted: 3/18/2023 8:24:18 PM)Wurtsmith was my first assignment and I was a member of the 379th Security Police Squadron.
Comment: (Posted: 12/16/2022 7:30:39 AM)Update for my e-mail Now retired from Northrop Grumman.
Comment: (Posted: 9/21/2022 7:53:56 AM)Worked in the WSA bomb shop B28, B61, B84, SRAM and ALCM.. First assignment after enlistment. Went on to cross train and did 9 years total active service and finishing at Hill AFB Utah. Greetings to all my cohorts from that time.
Comment: (Posted: 7/25/2022 6:45:22 PM)It listed my email wrong in my first post. Correct email
Comment: (Posted: 7/25/2022 6:41:15 PM)I was assigned to the 379 AMS radio shop. I worked under Don Struble and Dave Jandecka. Others in the shop were Ren Turner, Harold Flegel, Lynn Neese, Louis Hale III (BOO), Warren Wentworth and so many others in both the radio/radar shop. I also remember others from other shops. I was from Texas but enjoyed my stay there. Look me up on Facebook as Mark Bruce Ft Worth TX.
Comment: (Posted: 5/14/2022 7:41:44 PM)Great memories but do not miss the cold flight line in the winter.
Comment: (Posted: 3/20/2022 8:19:13 PM)I was stationed at Wurtsmith from 1972 - 1974. My job assignment was medical at the hospital.
Comment: (Posted: 3/4/2022 8:51:28 PM)AGE Troop 73-74 includes a 5 month TDY to Guam. Left Wurtsmith for Utapao in Jun of 74
Comment: (Posted: 2/16/2022 3:14:53 PM)Hello from Oregon, I returned to Wurtsmith in 1988 after a four year assignment to Zweibrucken, Germany, 10th MAS. Sadly I was assigned to OMS this time. I really enjoyed my first assignment to Wurtsmith AFB, 379th AMS in 1982 - 1984. It was sad to help close down the Base in 1992.
Comment: (Posted: 2/15/2022 11:58:06 AM)Viewing through all the posts. A few names were recognized. Lots of history. I am passing on the WAFB is part of a Superfund Cleanup site due to chemicals in the soil/water. PFAS is the main contaminant. Many cases of cancer. I have know 3 people who have died, most likely connected to being stationed at WAFB. Please research and follow up with the VA. Contact me if you have a question.
Comment: (Posted: 11/12/2021 7:40:59 PM)Just wanted to repost with an updated email. I last posted to this site in 2008. I worked in FMS A/R shop for my time there and the memories are still very priceless. Saw some familiar names and it warmed my heart, I pray all is well and everyone has led a wonderfully full life. God Bless all who served that fantastic special base!
Comment: (Posted: 10/23/2021 1:35:15 AM)This was my first stateside assignment coming from Germany. I was with the AGE Flights. We were the second base to get the MHU-173 ALCM missile trailer as well as working on MHU-123, MHU-7M, MHU-141, and TT-77 bomb trailers. Plus flight line AGE equipment.
Comment: (Posted: 9/8/2021 11:26:22 AM)I remember my time at Wurtsmith AFB as a 111x0 B-52 Defensive Aerial Gunner fondly. The crew members and other people there were some of the best people that I have ever served/worked/played with.
Comment: (Posted: 9/8/2021 11:11:29 AM)I was a new SSgt then. Not a fan of the assignment. I walked a K-9 on the perimeter of the base and the munition area in the snow up to my butt. :(( Volunteered for VN to get out of there. Looking for any K-9 handlers there.
Comment: (Posted: 8/13/2021 6:54:02 PM)Worked with Bomber Team 3 Recovery. Worked with many good airman, Team chief was Tsgt Terry Bardwell. People I knew were CMSGT Charlie Reynolds, SSGT Ken Welsch. Bob Salvano, Jeff Williams, Bill Askins, Harry McCown among others. Dave Lechner was my trainer. Loved midnight chow.
Comment: (Posted: 7/22/2021 10:04:06 AM)Was a B-52 Navigator
Comment: (Posted: 6/29/2021 7:50:08 AM)C flt 379 Combat Defense SQ - Cuban Missile Crisis - Pres Kennedy Assignation - Beautiful area Oscoda- Many good times I like to remember, made many friends left behind when rcvd orders to Osan AB Korea. Left Dec 1963.
Comment: (Posted: 6/17/2021 1:31:06 PM)I stopped by your site while attempting to answer someone's question about the aircraft we had (B52H, KC135A) during my service at WAFB and while trying to find some of the people I was honored to serve with in the USAF. I was sent to WAFB from training (on B47s) at Amarillo AFB. Upon arrival I had to train on the B52H and KC135 aircraft. Shifted to KC135s only (in 1962, I believe).
Comment: (Posted: 4/14/2021 6:44:16 PM)Grandson of Lt Col Paul Richard Okerbloom. Teaching my 10 year old son about his family history, which led us here to your webpage.
Comment: (Posted: 4/13/2021 10:35:18 AM)Assigned to maintain the BISS security system around the Weapons Storage Area (WSA) and the Aircraft Alert Area (AAA). My first duty assignment in 1979 at the age of 18 years old.
Comment: (Posted: 3/21/2021 12:05:41 PM)just checking in . Winter in FL. Anyone remember me contact me at this e- mail Q
Comment: (Posted: 2/18/2021 8:04:17 PM)I was assigned to the 379th Air Police Squadron as my first assignment out of basic training in December 1955 at Homestead AFB, Florida. Wishing you all the best.
Comment: (Posted: 1/22/2021 5:16:16 PM)Assigned to the 379th Command Post
Comment: (Posted: 1/15/2021 2:38:40 PM)Great place. I was also the base athletic officer. Always remember great commander Col Wilson. Great leader and gentleman.
Comment: (Posted: 11/19/2020 8:00:41 PM)I served in the Comm Center. Looking to contact Maureen Swinton (Donovan). And...a big Thank You to all the fine soldiers that I meet and served with. My life is better for it! "Peace Through Deterrence"
Comment: (Posted: 11/19/2020 7:09:54 PM)I am putting this up in the hopes that someone will remember my father. He passed away in 2011, after a long illness. If anyone remembers him you can drop me a line on the email. I'm his oldest son and I remember his key punch shop very well.
Comment: (Posted: 11/12/2020 10:42:14 AM)This was my first assignment after basic training. April 1961-June 1966. Got married there and lived in base housing on Tennessee st. Was taught how to plow snow , and became a shift leader as a A1C , enjoyed the summers and fall in the great state Michigan. Many memories of Wurtsmith AFB.
Comment: (Posted: 11/3/2020 2:06:12 AM)Nice and wonderful to be together on the froum
Comment: (Posted: 10/21/2020 9:50:01 AM)My First assignment (Contracting) and my best.
Comment: (Posted: 10/13/2020 9:30:02 AM)We drove through Loring AFB in my home state of Maine last weekend that closed a year after Wurtsmith AFB & got us thinking of our time at Wurtsmith AFB. Lot of good memories, glad to see a site dedicated to its history.
Comment: (Posted: 10/4/2020 5:30:54 AM)Assigned WAFB after one year SEA tour in Korat Thailand. Worked on autopilot and compass systems on KC-135's and was training on systems on B-52's. Upgraded 52's autopilot with SAS (Stability Augmentation System) designed to quickly sense and correct aircraft yaw to prolong airframe life. Must have worked pretty good! Was settled in and looking forward to fishing and mc riding and just enjoying time with some great people in a beautiful place before my DOS in August. That all came to an end when I crashed my bike on the way to work on 5/20/70. Was flighted to Wright-Pat for treatment and convelesance and finally separated from service March '71.
Comment: (Posted: 9/27/2020 1:43:21 PM)This was my father last duty station prior to his retirement in 1964 his name was SSGT. Leroy F. Henderson my dad was air traffic control . I am looking for the unit or wing patch .I ride with Patriot Guard Riders I would like to find his last unit patch so that I can sew it to my vest when I ride for other fallen hero's he can ride with me . If there is any could help or lead in the right direction to look I would greatly appreciate . Sincerely Lester G Henderson
Comment: (Posted: 9/13/2020 5:09:16 PM)I was stationed in supply. The Michigan area is very nice....our guys used to hang out at Lake Oscoda, it was really nice there. I can remember some of the guys I was stationed with in supply : Mike Mangold, Andrew Wunning, to name a few. I worked 4- midnight shift...I can remember us going to chow hall at midnight and getting cheese omelets- the food was good! Had a lot of good times there.
Comment: (Posted: 7/27/2020 5:27:56 PM)Nice area. Very nice people. Good NCO's and co-workers. Dorms were a trip. Some good times, some bad. Mostly good memories.
Comment: (Posted: 7/14/2020 11:23:52 AM)Worked in the SRAM IMF as AFSC 46350.
Comment: (Posted: 7/6/2020 1:34:50 PM)Good place for a first duty assignment